We have 4 key objectives across the Trust for 20/21.
Objective 1 – to further develop and embed our ‘business essentials’ so that we can ensure we work efficiently and effectively and support our school leaders to focus on the key school improvement activity.
Objective 2 – to embed our Trust-wide assessment system, develop robust ‘cross Trust’ moderation processes and to develop a teaching and learning model that is ground in robust ‘principles of practice’.
Objective 3 – to develop strong leadership and governance at all levels across the Trust.
Objective 4 – to continue to ensure that Safeguarding practices across the trust are exemplary.
Why Hexagons?
The hexagon is the most efficient, least wasteful shape found in nature. It tessellates to minimise the amount of wasted space and maximise the available storage. It is also flexible – it can go in any direction and fit about anywhere. The compressive characteristics of the shape allow it to be one of the strongest structures in the world.
I detailed copy of our plan is available on request.
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